Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hair Loss- Investigating the causes

Hair is formed in the hair follicles below the scalp. The hair is made of a protein named keratin. The natural color of hair depends upon the quantity of Melanin in the hair. The graying of the hair with advancing age is caused by the inability of the hair follicle to produce melanin. The normal life span of a hair is about 2 to 3 years. The average growth of hair in a month is about 1 cm. At a given time 90% of the hair is in a growing phase while the remaining 10 % is in a resting phase. In the final stages the hair in the resting phase falls and in a few days a new hair starts growing in its place.

Considering that there are millions of hair it is normal for a few hairs to fall daily. However when there is a dis-balance between the rate of falling hair and new hair growth then the person is said to be suffering from hair loss or aplopecia.

The usual causes of hair loss includes after any major illness like typhoid, or major surgery. The hair loss is caused by metabolic and physical stress and is a temporary stage and the hair loss is stopped once the balance is restored.

Hyperactive endocrine system can also cause hair loss. Overactive thyroid gland or imbalance in sex hormones can also cause hair fall. This type of hair loss can happen in both males and females. The hair loss can be halted if the hormone imbalance is restored.

Other causes include Pregnancy, certain drugs such a chemotherapeutic medicines, anti depressants, medicines of Gout, hypertension drugs, anticoagulants. Fungal infections, dandruff can also cause baldness. Hair loss is also a first sign of serious ailments like leukemia and Tuberculosis and hence should not be ignored.

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