Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hair loss - big problem

Hair loss is big problem for both male and female; hair lives on a scalp on an average about five years. Hair loss is a different problem from any other disease, you cannot associate it with poor diet thyroid or from any side effect. Cosmeticians and doctors have given various reasons for this, like Alopecia areata, Traction alopecia, Trichotillomania, Tinea capitis, Telogeneffluvium, Androgenetic alpecia. A friend of mine had a problem of Alopecia areata which’s a smooth baldness of a single circle. after consulting many doctors he come to know there are only two scientifically proved treatments for any kind of baldness one is Minoxidil (Rogaine)and the other is Finasteride (Propaecia).

The other solutions which are provided by cosmetician are Hairpieces and Surgery. Hairpiece and surgery are being much poplar because of its instant effect. Every day we hear much about cosmetic treatments. Hairpieces as we al know is hair weaving which is basically an attachment of mesh on remaining hair and same color of artificial hair or human hair is woven to the existing hair. It comes under different qualities of hairpieces of different price. Personally o not consider it a very good option as it fees like a burden on your head the other option of cosmetic treatment for hair loss or baldness is Surgery .

Surgery includes hair transplantation, scalp reduction which are more effective and on demand because they give a more natural look. But before going for any cosmetic treatment one must consider surgeon’s credentials and previous records.

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